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menstrual well-being
at work and in life

the AI-powered app that helps manage the tasks and stress of a busy life

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24 hours vs 28 days

A male hormonal cycle lasts about 24 hours. A woman's is 28 days on average. Essence challenges society's default to the 24-hour cycle and help women and people with cycles reach their full potential at work and in life.

why women*-focused benefits?

Why do we need women's health benefits?
9 in 10 people
who menstruate
experience stress or anxiety in the workplace because of their period
23 productive days lost

every year due to menstrual-related presenteeism and absenteeism

women are 50%
more likely to suffer stress in the workplace
56% of women
say it is very important for employers to offer menstrual benefits

*when we say women and female, we embrace all menstruating people, gender non-conforming, and LGBTQ+-identified individuals

how it works for people with cycles

empower menstruating people to improve their well-being and performance by aligning schedules, fitness, and nutrition according to their cycles.

luteal phase

it’s time for reflection and wrapping up projects

ovulation phase

best phase for speaking and networking events

Turn the cycle into a productivity tool

menstrual phase

it's time to rest and do more introspective work

follicular phase

the best time to learn and work on complex tasks

what is inside the essence app?

period tracker meets to-do list

align your schedule with your unique hormonal cycle

mental and menstrual health

women-focused tools help ease PMS, period pain, and anxiety

daily and weekly insights

personalized tips to optimize your fitness, nutrition, and work routines

app store
play market

how it works for companies

we help pioneering employers foster an inclusive workforce through menstrual health workshops and the essence app to create lasting cultural change


happier workforce

positive HR brand

improved mental health


better performance

higher morale


lower recruitment costs


reduced gender gap

increased staff retention


more inclusive workplace

loved by customers

Ayumi Moore Aoki

Essence is an app that is led by a real purpose: that of helping women to thrive at work and in life. Essence can positively change the daily lives of millions of girls and women that seek personal well-being, self-consciousness, and professional growth.

Ayumi Moore Aoki
Founder & President of Women in Tech
Polina Kiper

I love the idea and realization! I finally found a tool that helps me organize all my tasks and find time in my calendar to do all the things I've been planning for so long such as working out and meditating. Now I work more efficiently and have plenty of time for myself and my family.

Polina Kiper
Strategic People Business Partner at Anheuser-Busch InBev

is your company ready to experience period-powered performance?

register today for a demo.

welcome to essence!

thank you, we'll reach out to you shortly

Essence Labs, Inc.

16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958

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